The first post

So, I’m not yet sure what this blog will be, but the first thing that I will post is a poem I just made up, so here goes.

Today was poop, and I am goop –

Tomorrow I’ll do better.

Me – 27.04.2022

I also spent a while trying to decide what I should name this profile and then spent a while trying to figure out whether I CAN modify profile name… I’m not sure that I can….

Either way, the conundrum is such: ‘doomgutt’ is my preferred *gAmEr* name and I think it’s too edgy for almost anything else. My youtube name is Thyme Sage which is amusing and fits well there, but I’m not sure the pun can survive more than one account. Hedge God was used for a while on Twitch and I feel it’s also been overdone by me by now.

My latest craze is “Vibe Nomad(s)” cuz we all are or at least imo should be nomads in the vibe space – if you stay too sedentary you stop being flexible – but ‘vibe nomad’ sounds too pretentious and doesn’t quite vibe…. So I suppose the edgy ‘doomgutt’ is what we’re sticking with for now.

Since it seems I’m stuck with it, I’ll post the image/character that inspired the name.